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Retreat for frenetic times

Or..When Corporate Retreat is no  Retreat!Thomas Moore, in ‘Care of the Soul’ said…..” Living artfully with time might only require something as simple as pausing.”Are you racing through life by the seat of your pants?Take 3 or 4 minutes to read this! Your pants will still be there!As we approach year end I thought it time to pen some words that people have been nagging me to write.  Too often these days I  have people say to me how frenetically  busy their lives are, and how little ‘time’ they have to just stop for a while, to really take stock and

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Strategic Thinking…..taking the longer term into consideration and developing aligned broad scale objectives!The smart manager/ leader understands that this is not a  ‘solo’ journey, but rather, one that actively engages all relevant stakeholders in purposeful, targeted dialogue to ensure clarity of task, relevance of actions, and congruence in all courses of action with the organisational, and departmental drivers.The smart manager/ leader also recognises that this is an on-going series of dialogue opportunities that they create, rather than ‘knowing all the answers’ themselves.  It demands a genuine belief that all relevant stakeholders have valuable contribution and perspective to add to the

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